Guardbridge Books was founded in 2015, and released our first books in 2016.
The best way to contact us for all issues is usually e-mail at:
We make many announcements and answer messages through our facebook page, so you can contact us there if you wish:
Our office is located near St Andrews on the east coast of Scotland. In the village of Guardbridge! (Wonder where our name comes from?) The mailing address is:
Struan House
Old St Andrews Road
Guardbridge, Fife, KY16 0UD
What we do
Guardbridge Books is a small company that produces high quality books. Our specialities are innovative speculative fiction and rigorously researched but accessible non-fiction.
Our fiction includes science fiction and fantasy, as well as other imaginative categories like 'slipstream' and 'new weird'. We like fiction that has strong literary qualities and provokes thought about important ideas, but which is also entertaining to read.
Our non-fiction focuses on history, science and other scholarly topics. We aim to present these subjects in a way that combines detailed research and accuracy with readability and accessibility. A challenging balance, but one that brings great discoveries to a wider audience. Plus, we are also interested in auto-biography and other creative non-fiction.
All of our titles will be available in both print and e-book formats. We utilize small print runs and print-on-demand to cut down on the expense of maintaining stock and storage. But we will always seek excellent production partners to create a quality product. Fortunately, recent advances in digital printing and print-on-demand processes enable this approach in a way that was not possible just a few years ago.
Founder and Editor-in-Chief is David Stokes
David has been a life-long reader of speculative fiction and many fields of non-fiction. He has thought about publishing for 25 years, and finally decided to open up shop. Years ago, the idea started as almost a joke: he was helping a friend who was writing a book, and when she worried no one would want to publish it, he said, "If no one else will, I will just have to start a publishing company and do it myself." That remark planted a small seed that started growing in the back of his mind, and has finally germinated. Along the way, he ran a small speculative fiction webzine Parageography.
David earned a Ph.D. in History at the University of St Andrews. In the course of his long and varied studies he covered many fields; majors include Astronomy (B.A.), Philosophy (M.A.) and History, and other subjects include Physics, Geology, Linguistics, Geography, Russian, German, and Classics. A true Renaissance man, unfortunately trying to live 500 years after the Renaissance.
About Guardbridge
Guardbridge is a village in Fife, Scotland, just outside St Andrews. It is the home and namesake of Guardbridge Books.
The village of Guardbridge is home to a medieval stone bridge - a little over 100 meters from our headquarters. The bridge was built and used by pilgrims to the cathedral in St Andrews, under the direction of Bishop Henry Wardlaw, who also founded the University of St Andrews. It carried the main road to St Andrews until the 1930s, when a new, wider concrete bridge was built parallel to it, but it remains in use still for foot and bicycle traffic. It represents a link to the local history and legendary past, as well as symbolising crossing-over, moving forward and advancing to distant goals. As such, it summarises much of what our books hope to cover, and so is a proud part of our logo.